Adsorption Properties of ZSM-5 Zeolites

Adsorption properties determined by physical adsorption of nitrogen for a series of ZSM-5 zeolite samples with various Si/Al ratios and different crystal size were compared. In addition to the BET method, the t -plot method was used to determine the microporosity of samples. Very small crystals of ZSM-5 zeolites, generally below 1 μm, with Si/Al ratio between 14 and 21 exhibit adsorption isotherms typical for purely microporous solids. Samples with Si/Al ratios larger than (about) 95 show low-pressure steps and hysteresis loops and, depending on crystal morphology, also high-pressure hysteresis loops. The low-pressure steps were associated with steps on t -plots which showed two linear parts. Small increase of adsorption up to relative pressure 0.2 is characteristic for samples with Si/Al ratios between 25 and 50.