Two level Encryption Decryption by Diffie – Hellman and Elliptic Curve cryptography with Open ID scenario for Securing Cloud environment

Cloud Computing offers services to end-users rather than a product, by sharing resources, software and other information under a pay per usage model, hence economic benefit is the key for Cloud in terms of capital and operational expenditure. It permits hosting of different types of applications such as business, scientific and social networking because it has key characteristics like multitenancy, scalability, performance and security etc. Cloud Computing is currently facing challenges like Data Security, Energy Consumption, Server Consolidation, Virtual Machine Migration to name a few. Existing approaches of secure data transfer use two tier authentications, either based on OTP (One Time Password) which is static in nature and requires additional software/hardware or Digital Signature which leads to the problem of key management. This research work focuses on the study of secure data transfer by using different combination of mechanisms which not only ensure two tier authenticities without involving any above mentioned overheads but also maintain the confidentiality of data and integrity of message using one time key generation. In this paper, existing secure data transfer techniques have been compared. A mechanism has been proposed and simulated for secure data transfer. This mechanism ensures three way protections in term of authenticity, confidentiality and integrity based on the concept of single key. This technique uses ECC with Diffie Hellman Key Exchange to enhance data security in terms of authenticity and integrity in Cloud Computing environment. In this mechanism Optimally Modified ECC been used to prevent the man-in-middleattack. An encryption algorithm has been used to maintain the confidentiality of data in transmits. Flow of the execution stages has been described using Flow Diagram and Sequence Diagram while for GCP (google cloud platform) has been used to validate the experimental results of ECC AND DIFFIE HELLMAN KEY EXCHANGE.