Return to school as an outcome measure after a burn injury.
Outcome measures have become an important tool to assist with monitoring the efficacy of burn care. One such measurement for children is the time required for them to return to school, as well as their behavior and academic performance in school after a burn injury. The purpose of this study was to relate demographic data with return-to-school time and school performance. Through medical record review and interviews with patients, parents, and school teachers, information was obtained regarding the patient's burn injury, as well as home and school status before and after the burn injury. School information before the burn injury was obtained after patient admission. Schools were contacted 6 months after hospital discharge for data after the burn injury. Thirty-four patients aged 6 to 16 years had their outcomes evaluated from September 1993 to June 1995. Average total body surface area burned was 25.9%; the mean area of full-thickness burn was 17.5%. Length of stay averaged 30.8 days. Sixty-five percent of patients were discharged with splints, and all were discharged with a pressure program. Children returned to school an average of 7.4 days after discharge, and the average number of missed school days was 22. Thirty-four percent of the children had a school reentry visit, and either a phone call, written material, or both were provided in lieu of a visit to the other schools. For this population, burn injury did not appear to impact outcome negatively as it related to a child's return or function in school. These children returned to school rather rapidly after discharge and functioned as well or better after injury. Little loss of grade was noted, and only those children with problems in school before the burn injury had problems after the burn injury. Contact with the child's school before reentry might have assisted with the smooth transition.