Smarca5 (Snf2h) is required for Proliferation of Hematopoietic Stem Cells Differentiating into Erythroid and Myeloid lineages

The Imitation Switch (ISWI) nuclear ATPase Smarca5 (Snf2h) is one of the most conserved chromatin remodeling factors. It exists in a variety of oligosubunit complexes that move DNA with respect to the histone octamer to generate regularly spaced nucleosomal arrays. Smarca5 interacts with different accessory proteins and represents a molecular motor for DNA replication, repair and transcription. We deleted Smarca5 at the onset of definitive hematopoiesis (Vav1-iCre) and observed that animals die during late fetal development due to anemia. Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) accumulated but their maturation towards erythroid and myeloid lineages was inhibited. Proerythroblasts were dysplastic while basophilic erythroblasts were blocked in G2/M and depleted. Smarca5 deficiency led to increased p53 levels, its activation at two residues, one associated with DNA damage (S18) second with CBP/p300 (K382), and finally activation of the p53 targets. We also deleted Smarca5 in committed erythroid cells (Epor-iCre) and observed that animals were anemic postnatally. Furthermore, 4-OHT-mediated deletion of Smarca5 in the ex vivo cultures confirmed its requirement for erythroid cell proliferation. Thus, Smarca5 plays indispensable roles during early hematopoiesis and erythropoiesis. STEM CELLS 2017; 00:000–000 SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: ISWI chromatin remodeling ATPase Smarca5 is a highly conserved chromatin-remodeling factor that is expressed in hematopoietic tissues especially stem and progenitor cells. There exist several oligosubunit complexes containing Smarca5 as a catalytic subunit that were previously shown to actively regulate nucleosomal structure and position during DNA replication, repair and transcription. Genetic inactivation of Smarca5 specifically in murine definitive hematopoietic cells leads to the developmental blockade marked by unique proliferative defects such as tetraploidy and erythroid dysplasia. The Smarca5 gene is not mutated in cancer, however its expression is enhanced in acute myeloid leukemia and aggressive solid tumors. This may be exploited for development of future therapies for targeting the growth and repopulation of human malignancies.

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