Toward understanding the double Intertropical Convergence Zone pathology in coupled ocean‐atmosphere general circulation models

[1] This paper first analyzes structures of the double Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) in the central equatorial Pacific simulated by three coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation models in terms of sea surface temperatures, surface precipitation, and surface winds. It then describes the projection of the double ITCZ in the equatorial upper ocean. It is shown that the surface wind convergences, associated with the zonally oriented double rainbands on both sides of the equator, also correspond to surface wind curls that are favorable to Ekman pumping immediately poleward of the rainbands. The pumping results in a thermocline ridge south of the equator in the central equatorial Pacific, causing a significant overestimation of the eastward South Equatorial Counter Current that advects warm water eastward. A positive feedback mechanism is then described for the amplification of the double ITCZ in the coupled models from initial biases in stand-alone atmospheric models through the following chain of interactions: precipitation (atmospheric latent heating), surface wind convergences, surface wind curls, Ekman pumping, South Equatorial Counter Current, and eastward advection of ocean temperature. This pathology provides a possible means to address the longstanding double ITCZ problem in coupled models.

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