Computation of frequency-dependent propagation characteristics of microstriplike propagation structures with discontinuous layers

A general procedure based on the method of lines is presented for the full-wave analysis of propagation structures having layered substrates with step inhomogeneities in each layer. Examples of such structures include microslab lines and microstrip near a substrate edge. It is shown that with this extended method of lines technique the frequency-dependent characteristics, including the modal impedance, current distribution, and other properties of these structures, can be calculated. To illustrate the technique, typical structures such as microstrips on a finite-width dielectric slab and microstrips near a substrate edge are considered, and the effect of the proximity of the edge on the propagation characteristics of the microstrip is computed. For the case of a microstrip near a substrate edge, the numerical results obtained are compared with measured values of propagation constants, showing that the proximity effect is predicted to within 1%. >