World Wide Web Consortium

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) was founded as an industry consortium in 1994, five years after the establishment of the World Wide Web (WWW). After the first International WWW Conference in May 1994, the formal establishment of the W3C followed on 1 October 1994, founded by Berners-Lee in collaboration with CERN at the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science (MIT/LCS). W3C members enjoy the right to elect a seat on the Advisory Committee. Moreover, they have access to member-only information and are involved in the member submission process. W3C possesses an advisory entity in the form of its Advisory Board, which is generally appointed by the W3C Team. W3C is financially self-supporting. W3C is constantly challenged by the quick evolution of Internet technology. The W3C pursues four main objectives: Web for everyone; Web on everything; advanced data searching and sharing; and trust and confidence. Keywords: International WWW Conference; internet technology; World Wide Web (WWW); World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)