Navy EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) Labor Market Availability Data for the 1980's.
Abstract : The original purpose of the development of the availability statistics was for EEO planning purposes. These data were incorporated into the Department of Navy EEO Accountability System (DONEAS). The data obtained from the analysis of the 1980 Census and other public data files are being used for a variety of purposes in addition to EEO. For example, the data will be used for such applications as supply-demand analysis, geographic dispersion (mobility) analysis, mobilization planning, etc. The complete collection of applications is being brought together as the Civilian Occupation Planning Estimates System (COPES). This report is concerned with the technical issues of estimating external labor market availabilities at the local level. Policy issues such as the use of the data for EEO/AA purposes in DONEAS are treated elsewhere. The report includes a summary of the methodology provided in previous reports in order to have the methodology and latest data in one report. Appendix A contains the EEO availability data projected to 1988 using the 1980 Census as the base. These data are composites of the national and local projections as the relate to each local Navy labor market. (Author)