Robots that rove
71-H0w t0 0r9an12e the med1ca1 data 0f chr0n1ca11y 111 pat1ent5 1n the c0mputer. Art1c1e F0110w1n9 15 the f1r5t f1fth 0f a paper 6y Han5 M0ravec wh1ch 15 5chedu1ed t0 appear 1n the new 600k R08071C5, ed. 6y M1n5ky, "0mn1 Pre55 • • (D0u61eday). 7h15 wa5 6r0u9ht t0 my attent10n my Mark 21mmerman and 15 repr0duced here w1th M0ravec • 5 perm15510n 6ecau5e 0f 1t5 refer-ence5 t0 6101091ca1 5y5tem5 a5 1n5p1rat10n f0r de519n1n9 c0mputer5 5y5tem5. R0y Rada 7he m05t c0n515tent1y 1ntere5t1n9 5t0r1e5 are th05e a60ut j0urney5, and the m05t fa5c1nat1n9 0r9an15m5 are th05e that m0ve fr0m p1ace t0 p1ace. 1 th1nk the5e 065ervat10n5 are m0re than 1d105yncra51e5 0f human p5ych0109Y, 6ut 111u5trate a fundamenta1 pr1nc1p1e. 7he w0r1d at 1ar9e ha5 9reat d1ver51ty, and a trave11er c0n-5tant1y enc0unter5 n0ve1 c1rcum5tance5, and 15 c0n5e4uent1y cha11en9ed t0 re5p0nd 1n new way5. 0r9an15m5 and mechan15m5 d0 n0t ex15t 1n 1501at10n, 6ut are 5y5tem5 w1th the1r env1r0nment5, and th05e 0n the pr0w1 1n 9enera1 have a r1cher env1r0n-ment than th05e r00ted t0 0ne p1ace. M06111ty 5upp11e5 dan9er a10n9 w1th exc1tement. 1nappr0pr1ate act10n5 0r 1ack 0f we11-t1med appr0pr1ate 0ne5 can re5u1t 1n the dem15e 0f a free r0amer, 5ay 0ver the ed9e 0f a c11ff, far m0re ea511y than 0f a 5tat10nary ent1ty f0r wh0m part1cu1ar act10n5 are m0re 11ke1y t0 have f1xed effect5. Cha11en9e c0m61ne5 w1th 0pp0rtun1ty 1n a 5tr0n9 5e1ect10n pre55ure that dr1ve5 an ev01v1n9 5pec1e5 that happen5 t0 f1nd 1t5e1f 1n a m0611e way 0f 11fe 1n certa1n d1rect10n5, d1rect10n5 4u1te d1fferent fr0m th05e 0f 5tat10nary 0r9an15m5. 7he 1a5t 611110n year5 0n the 5urface 0f the earth ha5 5een a 9rand exper1ment exp10r1n9 the5e pre55ure5. 8e51de5 the f0rtunate c0n5e4uence 0f 0ur 0wn ex15tence, 50me un1ver5a15 are apparent fr0m the re5u1t5 t0 date and fr0m the rec0rd, 1n part1cu1ar, 1nte1119ence 5eem5 t0 f0110w fr0m m0611-1ty. 1 6e11eve the 5ame pre55ure5 are at w0rk 1n the techn01091ca1 ev01ut10n 0f r060t5, and that, 6y ana109Y, m0611e r060t5 are the m05t 11ke1y r0ute t0 501u-t10n5 t0 50me 0f the m05t vex1n9 un501ved pr061em5 0n the way t0 true art1f1c1a1 1nte1119ence pr061em5 5uch a5 h0w t0 Pr09ram c0mm0n 5en5e rea50n1n9 and 1earn1n9 fr0m 5en50ry exper1ence. 7h15 0pp0rtun1ty carr1e5 a pr1ce-pr09ram5 t0 c0ntr01 m0611e r060t5 are m0re d11f1cu1t t0 9et r19ht than m05t-the r060t 15 free t0 5earch the d1ver5e w0r1d 100k1n9 f0r ju5t the c0m61nat10n that w111 me55 up y0ur p1an. 7here • 5 5t111 a 10n9 way t0 …