Mechanizing Mathematical Reasoning, Essays in Honor of Jörg H. Siekmann on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday

A Portrait of a Scientist: Logic, AI and Politics.- A Portrait of a Scientist: Logic, AI and Politics.- Logic and Deduction.- Some Reflections on Proof Transformations.- Rewrite and Decision Procedure Laboratory: Combining Rewriting, Satisfiability Checking, and Lemma Speculation.- SAT-Based Decision Procedures for Automated Reasoning: A Unifying Perspective.- Temporal Dynamics of Support and Attack Networks: From Argumentation to Zoology.- Footprints of Conditionals.- Time for Thinking Big in AI.- Solving First-Order Constraints over the Monadic Class.- From MKRP to ?MEGA.- Decidable Variants of Higher-Order Unification.- Normal Natural Deduction Proofs (in Non-classical Logics).- History and Future of Implicit and Inductionless Induction: Beware the Old Jade and the Zombie!.- The Flowering of Automated Reasoning.- Applications of Logics.- Description Logics as Ontology Languages for the Semantic Web.- Living Books, Automated Deduction and Other Strange Things.- An Essay on Sabotage and Obstruction.- Bridging Theorem Proving and Mathematical Knowledge Retrieval.- Formal Description of Natural Languages: An HPSG Grammar of Polish.- Psychological Validity of Schematic Proofs.- Natural Language Proof Explanation.- Why Proof Planning for Maths Education and How?.- Formal Methods and Security.- Towards MultiMedia Instruction in Safe and Secure Systems.- The Impact of Models in Software Development.- Formal Software Development in MAYA.- A Unification Algorithm for Analysis of Protocols with Blinded Signatures.- Exploiting Generic Aspects of Security Models in Formal Developments.- Verification Support Environment.- Agents and Planning.- SAT-Based Cooperative Planning: A Proposal.- Towards Comprehensive Computational Models for Plan-Based Control of Autonomous Robots.- Agents with Exact Foreknowledge.- Self-organisation in Holonic Multiagent Systems.