Simulation of the Saturation and Air-Gap Effects in a POT Ferrite Core With a 2-D Finite Element Model

In this paper, we propose a modeling procedure and the design criterion for the simulation in 2-D of an inductor with a POT-type ferrite core. The procedure is capable of reproducing both the nonlinear magnetic flux-current curve and the corresponding inductance-current curve in the ferrite's complete working range, from the linear to the saturation region. The finite element simulations are carried out in 2-D with its advantages being the considerable reduction of the computational cost as well as being able to achieve convergence. The validation was made for the P22/13 core comparing the results obtained by 2-D and 3-D simulations with experimental measurements. Taking an inductor as a reference and its equivalent electric circuit, the procedure allows us to obtain the equivalent electric circuits for every situation, changing different parameters, such as the number of turns, size of the core, gap thickness, etc.