[The distribution of intestinal parasites and their causative factors in children].
Intestinal parasitic infection prevalence in children who had been brought to our hospital together with related factors. The study was carried out in 400 children who were chosen at random among those brought to our hospital. All stool samples were examined with nativelugol, formol-ether, Kinyon acid-fast, methods. The cellophane tape preparations and hemoglobin concentration measurement were used. Intestinal parasites found in 156 of 400 (39%) children were Giardia intestinalis (19.8%) Enterobius vermicularis (15%), Blastocystis hominis (5.8%). Socio-economic and educational level of patient's family, living in urban area, having abdominal pain, anal itching, salivation during sleep, and nasal itching had been found related with the prevalence of parasitic infection. No relationship were found in the other factors. Because WHO guidelines favor routine screening and treatment of parasitic infections of school-age children when the prevalence of parasitic infections in community exceeds 50%, all children should be evaluated for parasitic infections if they have one or more risk factors.