North American Cerambycid Larvae ;—F. C. Craighead, Dominion of Canada Department of Agriculture, Bull. No. 27, New Series, (Technical) 150 pages, 44 plates, 8 text figures, Ottawa, 1923. (Sold by the King's Printer, Ottawa, Canada, Price $1.00)
A NEW SPECIES O F POLYGKLIPHUS (COLEOPTERL4) * BY J. M. SWAINE, Ottawa, Oilt: Polygraphus hoppingi n. sp. This entirely distinct species was taken by Mr. Ralph Hopping from Picea rngeltna~~?zi in the San Francisco Mts. of northern Arizona. I t is distinguished from rzsfipc~znis Ky. by the very strongly acuminate apex of the antennal club and by the broad iinpression and the long vestiture on the front of the female. I t is, moreover, evidently a larger species and of a more elongate foi-n?. Length. 3. 5 in . Relative measurements ; length of pronotuni, 5 ; width of pronotum, 6.5, length of elytra. 11.5; width of elytra, 6.8; black, with the pronotun1 and elytra partly reddish. The head of the female has the front very broadly but distinctly concave, very densely punctured and clothed xvith long yellow hairs which become much longer and closer about the sides, thus appearing from above much more densely hairy than does the female of rufipennis; the antennal club closely hairy with the apex sharply acuminate. extended into an elongate spine-like process; the eyes divided with the parts of each very narroxvly separated, usually with only one ommatidium intervening between the adjacent horns of the halves of the ommateum. The f r o ~ z o t z t ~ n has the sides parallel on the caudal half, strongly constricted in front and broadly rounded on the cephalic ~narg in ; the punctures of the disc very small, deep, rather close, feebly granulate; the pubescence very short; the median line smooth, very narrow and feebly carinate. The elytro are more elongate than in rufipennis, but otherwise closely similar, the stria1 punctures indistinct, the whole surface very densely, finely granulate-punctate, the larger of the granules sparsely, somewhat uniseriately arranged on the disc but beconling very much larger and very numerous near the basal margin; the sutural striae alone distinctly impressed on the disc, but on the declivity the striae distinctly impressed and the rows of interstrial granules larger and nlore regular; the pubescence of very iilinute scales, not covering the surface. with the rows of longer interstnial scales barely evident. The male has the front of the head convex, the punctation small and only moderately close, with a transverse elevation between the eyes surmounted by a geminate tubercle on the median line, with a strong transverse impression between the elevation and the epistoma; the interstrial son-s of larger scales are somewhat more distinct than in the two females. Nolotype-? , San Francisco Peak, Ariizona, June 20, 1918, Picela engelmanni, (R. Hopping,) No. I329 in the Canadian National Collection, Ottawa. Allotype8 , same data. Parcltype-I 9 , same data, in the collection of Mr. Hopping.