Design and Evaluation of a Dynamic Sectorization Algorithm for Terminal Airspace

Given its static and rigid structure, the current National Airspace System lacks the ability to cope efficiently with the increasingly severe demand–capacity imbalances expected to develop over the coming years. To better accommodate the flexibility desired for future flight operations and to alleviate the demand–capacity imbalances, research initiatives have been conducted under the dynamic airspace configuration concept. Although most past dynamic airspace configuration researchers have focused on en route airspace, this paper investigates terminal airspace operations. A dynamic sectorization algorithm for terminal airspace is developed, which combines a k-means clustering-based vertical sectorization algorithm, an integer-programming-based horizontal sectorization algorithm, and an α-shapes-based airspace sectorization algorithm. This dynamic sectorization algorithm is validated with real traffic data from several major international airports in the United States and simulated traffic data with project...