Prehospital care of patients with dyspnea by 119 emergency medical technician

Purpose : This study intended to improve the quality of prehospital em ergency care for patients with dyspnea by figuring out the current situations and problems bas ed on run-sheets of 119 emergency medical technicians (EMTs).Methods : A total of 336 dyspnea patients were transferred to G university hospital by 119 ambulances from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011. Results : The data were analyzed by SPSS 19.0. Patients over 60 years old accounted for 57.2% and 48.4% had the history of heart disease. Among the heart disease patients, 31.7% complained of dyspnea and chest pain. The vital sign measurement performance by 119 EMTs increased compared to previous study. The number of prehospital treatment by 119 EMTs signific antly increased depending on the mental state of the patients. Conclusion : 119 EMTs should remind the heart disease and other past history of the patients when they perform the dyspnea patient care.접수일 : 2013년 2월 28일 수정일 : 2013년 4월 5일 게재확정일 : 2013년 4월 19일