Os jovens e o mercado de trabalho: evolução e desafios da política de emprego no Brasil

The ingress of the young people in the labor market is one of the main challenges faced nowadays by labor market policies around the world. The young workers face high vulnerability, aggravated, in countries like Brazil, by the problems in the education system and by the low level of educational skills possessed by large part of the work force. The present article deals with aspects of this policy, intending to provide an introduction to the study of employment policies for the young people in Brazil. By presenting evidences about the entrance of young people in the labor market, introducing lessons from other countries, dealing with the evolution of the policies in Brazil and investigating in details an important policy, the “Consorcios Sociais da Juventude”, it intends to present a systematic and articulated reflection about the aspects which should guide a policy for the young people in this country.