An Agent-based Scheduling Method Enabling Rescheduling with Trial-and-Error Approach

Scheduling optimization is known as an extremely difficult problem; therefore, many scheduling methods such as linear programming methods or stochastic searching algorithms have been researched to get a better solution closest to the optimum one. After obtaining a certain solution, scheduling managers might have to reschedule another solution that corresponds to changes in requirements or resources. However, rescheduling problems become more difficult as they become larger in their scale. In this paper, we propose an agent-based rescheduling system using linear programming approach. In our system, agents can autonomously conduct rescheduling on behalf of managers by repeating trial-and-error in balancing load or changing priority of resource allocation until it can reach a better solution for the requirement. In addition, managers can make trial-and-error with the help of agents to search another better solution by changing constraint conditions.