도로포장의 생애주기비용 분석을 위한 장기 교통수요 추정

Traffic demand forecasting for pavement management in the present can be estimated using the past trends or subjective judgement of experts instead of objective methods. Also future road plans and local development plans of a target region, for example new road constructions and detour plans cannot be considered for the estimate of future traffic demands. This study, which is the fundamental research for developing objective and accurate decision-making support system of maintenance management for the national high way, proposed the methodology to predict future traffic demands according to 4-step traffic forecasting method using EMME in order to examine significance of future traffic demands affecting pavement deterioration trends and compare existing traffic demand forecasting methods. For the case study, this study conducted the comparison of traffic demand forecasting methods targeting Daejeon Regional Construction and Management Adminstration. Therefore, this study figured out that the differences of traffic demands and the level of agent costs as well as user costs between existing traffic demand forecasting methods and proposed traffic demand forecasting method with considering future road plans and local development plan.