Modelling Impatience of Driver in Passing Manuevers

This paper presented a function that describes the impatience of drivers while accepting gaps during passing maneuvers on two-lane rural highways. The function was found by fitting the theoretical expected value of queue length to the empirical average queue lengths that were observed in the field on 10 two-lane sections. This fitted function was validated by a specially developed simulation package, TwoLaneSim, which chooses gaps for passing according to it. The measure of performance that was selected for the validation of the simulation was the percent-time-spent-following (PTSF), which is a well-established parameter in the Highway Capacity Manual for evaluating level-of-service on two-lane highways. Additionally, PTSF is strongly related to drivers’ gap-acceptance behavior. A close proximity was shown to exist between the HCM 2000 results and the PTSF values that were obtained by the simulation package with the imbedded impatience function.