A novel electron-beam-based photomask repair tool

High-resolution electron-beam assisted deposition and etching is an enabling technology for current and future generation photo mask repair. NaWoTec in collaboration with LEO Electron Microscopy has developed a mask repair beta tool capable of processing a wide variety of mask types, such as quartz binary masks, phase shift masks, EUV masks, and e-beam projection stencil masks. Specifications currently meet the 65 nm device node requirements, and tool performance is extendible to 45 nm and below. The tool combines LEO's ultra-high resolution Supra SEM platform with NaWoTec's e-beam deposition and etching technology, gas supply and pattern generation hardware, and repair software. It is expected to ship to the first customer in October this year. In this paper, we present the tool platform, its work flow oriented repair software, and associated deposition and etch processes. Unique features are automatic drift compensation, critical edge detection, and arbitrary pattern copy with automatic placement. Repair of clear and opaque programmed defects on Cr, TaN, and MoSi quartz masks, as well as on SiC and Si stencil masks is demonstrated. We show our development roadmap towards a production tool, which will be available by the end of this year.