Cache Replacement Strategies considering Location and Region Properties of Data in Mobile Database Systems
The mobile computing service market is increasing rapidly due to the development of low-cost wireless network technology and the high-performance mobile computing devices. In recent years, several methods have been proposed to effectively deal with restrictions of the mobile computing environment such as limited bandwidth, frequent disconnection and short-lived batteries. Amongst those methods, much study is being done on the caching method - among the data transmitted from a mobile support station, it selects those that are likely to be accessed in the near future and stores them in the local cache of a mobile host. Existing cache replacement methods have some limitations in efficiency because they do not take into consideration the characteristics of user mobility and spatial attributes of geographical data. In this paper, we show that the value and the semantic of the data, which are stored in the cache of a mobile host, changes according to the movement of the mobile host. We argue it is because data that are geographically near are better suited to provide an answer to a users query in the mobile environment. Also, we define spatial location of geographical data has effect on, using the spatial attributes of data. Finally, we propose two new cache replacement methods that efficiently support user mobility and spatial attributes of data. One is based on the location of data and the other on the meaningful region of data. From the comparative analysis of the previous methods and that they improve the cache hit ratio. Also we show that performance varies according to data density using this, we argue different cache replacement methods are required for regions with varying density of data.