Lithographic performance comparison with various RET for 45-nm node with hyper NA

In order to realize 45 nm node lithography, strong resolution enhancement technology (RET) and water immersion will be needed. In this research, we discussed about various RET performance comparison for 45 nm node using 3D rigorous simulation. As a candidate, we chose binary mask (BIN), several kinds of attenuated phase-shifting mask (att-PSM) and chrome-less phase-shifting lithography mask (CPL). The printing performance was evaluated and compared for each RET options, after the optimizing illumination conditions, mask structure and optical proximity correction (OPC). The evaluation items of printing performance were CD-DOF, contrast-DOF, conventional ED-window and MEEF, etc. It's expected that effect of mask 3D topography becomes important at 45 nm node, so we argued about not only the case of ideal structures, but also the mask topography error effects. Several kinds of mask topography error were evaluated and we confirmed how these errors affect to printing performance.