Çift-Aaç ve Tek-Aaç Karmak Dalgack Dönüümü tabanlYüz Tanma Dual-Tree and Single-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform Based Face Recognition

In this paper we construct complex approximately analytic wavelets in the single and dual tree context, which posses Gabor like characteristics. We investigate the recently developed dual tree complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT) and the single tree wavelet transform (ST-CWT) for the face recognition problem. Experiments are carried out on FERET and ORL databases. The resulting complex wavelet based feature vectors are as discriminating as the Gabor wavelets derived features and at the same time are of lower dimension when compared with that of Gabor wavelets. In all experiments, complex wavelets equaled or surpassed the performance of Gabor wavelets in recognition rate when equal number of orientations and scales are used. Obtained results indicate that complex wavelets can provide a successful alternative to Gabor wavelets for face recognition.

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