Corneal Disorders: Clinical Diagnosis and Management

In assembling this compendium on medical and surgical disorders of the cornea and external eye, editor Howard Leibowitz has proven himself an excellent "player-coach," not only coaching a team of 23 collaborative contributors but also playing an active role in the authorship of eight chapters and supplying numerous illustrations and editorial comments for several other chapters. He has chosen his team wisely, as each "Corneal Disorders: Clinical Diagnosis and Managementhas something for everyone and will become a standard reference in its field." "starter" is a recognized authority in his or her respective area. The work is generally complete, minimally biased, and quite accurate. It should appeal not only to corneal specialists who will take interest in its detail, but also to general ophthalmologists and residents who will find it useful in the approach to clinical corneal disease. As a corneal specialist, I enjoyed many of the chapters. "Corneal Structure