Real-time plasma control of internal transport barriers in JET

Consorzio RFX, Associazione EURATOM-ENEA sulla Fusione, Padova, Italy.IntroductionDevelopment of advanced steady-state operation scenarios in tokamaks requires real timecontrol of the plasma profiles, e.g. temperature, pressure, rotation and current profiles. Recentexperiments devoted to the first real time profile control of Internal Transport Barriers (ITB) inJET are described in this paper. The dimensionless ratio of the ion gyro-radius to the localgradient scale length of the electron temperature has been recently shown to characterisesatisfactorily and with a low computational cost the main ITB features [1]. In the first sectionwe report briefly the experimental device used to obtain in real time the electron temperatureprofile as well as the definition of the dimensionless ratio and its implementation in the realtime system at JET. Then in the second section, the emphasis is laid on the main experimentalconditions and the results obtained in scenarios with different plasma current and toroidalfield.1) Real-time characterisation of the ITB dynamicsRecently a simple local criterion characterising the emergence and space-time evolution ofITB has been proposed and extensively validated on a large JET database [2]. It was shownthat a dimensionless local parameter, ρ