Calibration and Accuracy Assessment of Leica ScanStation C10 Terrestrial Laser Scanner

Requirement of high accuracy data in surveying applications has made calibration procedure a standard routine for all surveying instruments. This is due to the assumption that all observed data are impaired with errors. Thus, this routine is also applicable to terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) to make it available for surveying purposes. There are two calibration approaches: (1) component, and (2) system calibration. With the intention to specifically identify the errors and accuracy of the Leica ScanStation C10 scanner, this study investigates component calibration. Three components of calibration were performed to identify the constant, scale error, accuracy of angular measurement and the effect of angular resolution for distance measurement. The first calibration has been processed using closed least square solutions and has yielded the values of constant (1.2 mm) and scale error (1.000008879). Using variance ratio test (F-Test), angles observation (horizontal and vertical) for Leica C10 scanner and Leica TM5100A theodolite have shown significance difference. This is because the accuracy of both sensors are not similar and these differences are 0.01 and 0.0075o for horizontal and vertical measurements, respectively. Investigation on the resolution setting for Leica C10 scanner has highlighted the drawback of the tilt-and-turn target. Using the highest resolution, Leica Cyclone software only able to recognize the tilt-and-turn target up to 10 m distance compare to 200 m for the black and white target.