Nanotalk: Conversations With Scientists and Engineers About Ethics, Meaning, and Belief in the Development of Nanotechnology

Preface - Introduction: Narrative and the Voices of Research Scientists and Engineers - Part I: Ethics - The Nanotechnology Revolution Three Dimensions of Nano-Ethics - Part II: Meaning - Conceptual Frameworks, Themes, and Values - Meaning-Making - Part III: Belief - New Knowledge, Progress, and the Precise Control of Nature - Imagination, Metaphor, and the Allure of Science Fiction - Mythical/Religious Roots of Nanotechnology: Noble Revisited - Conclusion: Conscientious Moral Commitments - Appendices: Methodology and Preliminary Research Findings - History of Nanotechnology Initiative in US - Interview Protocol - 21st Century Nanotechology Research and Development Act - Foresight Molecular Nanotechnology Development Principles.