Classroom Environment: An Analytical Review of the Related Literature

This research paper is an analytical review on the literature related to the variable Classroom Environment. The researcher has selected the present variable Classroom –Environment for analytical study from her own research work titled as “Perception of students towards their Classroom environment, Educational Aspiration and Educational Achievement at higher secondary level” being pursued for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Though there are three variables in the research study but the researcher has decided to present a critical, analytical and in-depth analysis of the variable “Classroom –Environment” so that the ways and means about studying the variable can be unfolded. Further, it will be explored that how a student perceives his classroom environment. Important factors contributing to a healthy classroom environment which should be taken into account for pursuing the research work will also become clear from this analysis. The researcher also aims at defining the Classroom –Environment operationally by covering the necessary points which have been left uncovered in the previous studies.