Numerical Prediction of Laminar Shock/Shock Interactions in Hypersonic Flow

Results are presented of a series of numerical simulations of experiments conducted at the ONERA ChalaisMeudon ResearchCenterandattheCalspan— University at Buffalo Research Centeron shock/shock interactions. The e owe eld characteristics are described with the aid of the numerical predictions, and the computed values of surface pressure and heat transfer are compared with the experimental measurements for purposes of verie cation andvalidation.Issuesrelatedtoboundaryconditions,gridconvergence,andtimeunsteadinessofthecomputational e uid dynamicssimulations are addressed, and thedife culties that characterize thevalidation of the computational results are put in evidence. Nomenclature F = e ux vector h = enthalpy, J/kg M = Mach number n = normal unit vector p = pressure, Pa R = radius, reference length, m Re = Reynolds number S = surface,m 2 T = temperature, K t = time, s U = primitive variables vector u; v = velocity components in the x and y directions, m/s V = velocity, m/s V = volume, m 3 W = conservative variables vector X = axis oriented in the direction between two cells x; y = Cartesian body axes, m 1n = distance from the wall of the e rst cell center, m µ = angular measurement, deg π = dynamic viscosity, kg/m ¢s Ω = density, kg/m 3 Subscripts c = cell cyl = cylinder I = inviscid t = time derivative V = viscous w = wall conditions X = space derivative 1 = freestream conditions Superscript 0 = stagnation conditions