스파크 점화 기관의 실린더 블록 진동 신호를 이용한 노킹 제어
The objective of this study is to develope knock control algorithms which can increase engine power without causing frequent knock occurrence. A four cylinder spark-ignition engine is used for the experiments to develope knock control algorithms which use block vibration signals. Knock occurrence is detected accurately by using knock threshold values which consider the difference of transmission path of each cylinder.
Spark timing is controlled both simultaneously and individually. With the simultaneous contol, torque gain is achieved by retarding the spark timing on knock occurrence in propotion to the knock intensity. The individual knock control algorithm results in higher torque gain than the si-multaneous knock con-trol algorithm. The knock occurrence frequency of the individual knock control algorithm is about twice the value of the simultaneous knock control algorithm results. Both control algorithms give similar torque gain of about 3 % when they are optimized.