Multiple neuronal circuits for variable object–action choices based on short- and long-term memories

At each time in our life, we choose one or few behaviors, while suppressing many other behaviors. This is the basic mechanism in the basal ganglia, which is done by tonic inhibition and selective disinhibition. Dysfunctions of the basal ganglia then cause 2 types of disorders (difficulty in initiating necessary actions and difficulty in suppressing unnecessary actions) that occur in Parkinson’s disease. The basal ganglia generate such opposite outcomes through parallel circuits: The direct pathway for initiation and indirect pathway for suppression. Importantly, the direct pathway processes good information and the indirect pathway processes bad information, which enables the choice of good behavior and the rejection of bad behavior. This is mainly enabled by dopaminergic inputs to these circuits. However, the value judgment is complex because the world is complex. Sometimes, the value must be based on recent events, thus is based on short-term memories. Or, the value must be based on historical events, thus is based on long-term memories. Such memory-based value judgment is generated by another parallel circuit originating from the caudate head and caudate tail. These circuit-information mechanisms allow other brain areas (e.g., prefrontal cortex) to contribute to decisions by sending information to these basal ganglia circuits. Moreover, the basal ganglia mechanisms (i.e., what to choose) are associated with cerebellum mechanisms (i.e., when to choose). Overall, multiple levels of parallel circuits in and around the basal ganglia are essential for coordinated behaviors. Understanding these circuits is useful for creating clinical treatments of disorders resulting from the failure of these circuits.

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