The Development of Laser Ultrasonic Visualization Equipment and its Application in Nondestructive Inspection

We have developed a laser ultrasonic visualization(LUV) equipment. It can be used to study the ultrasound propagation in an arbitrary-shaped object, and also be used to the nondestructive inspection of materials and structures. The LUV equipment consists of the hardware and the software. The hardware consists of a pulsed laser, a scanning mirror (galvanometer scanner), an ultrasound sensor, a low noise amplifier, a high speed AD converter and a computer. The software, developed using LabVIEW and C++ language, includes the system control, data acquisition, signal processing, image processing, visualization and defect diagnosis. The LUV equipment can scan the specimen at 1 kHz and the space resolution can reach to 0.1mm. Using the LUV equipment, the ultrasound propagation process can be observed and defects, such as cracks in a metal object, corrosions in a steel tube, delamination in the CFRP material, debonding in the composite structure, can be found easily. This paper will mainly introduce the configuration of the LUV equipment, and some applications in nondestructive inspection. The principle and technique details will be introduced in another paper of this conference.