A new hybrid record linkage process to make epidemiological databases interoperable: application to the GEMO and GENEPSO studies involving BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers

F. Révillion | Chloé-Agathe Azencott | N. Sevenet | D. Stoppa-Lyonnet | P. Pujol | J. Limacher | C. Toulas | L. Demange | J. Fricker | L. Faivre | Y. Bignon | B. Buecher | R. Guimbaud | F. Coulet | F. Soubrier | H. Sobol | E. Mouret‐Fourme | C. Lasset | P. Berthet | C. Noguès | J. Tinat | O. Caron | C. Dugast | S. Bézieau | F. Lesueur | N. Andrieu | É. Luporsi | C. Maugard | A. Calender | C. Delnatte | D. Leroux | F. Prieur | I. Coupier | L. Venat-Bouvet | L. Castéra | M. Gauthier‐Villars | M. Léoné | V. Mari | D. Vaur | H. Lallaoui | N. Uhrhammer | V. Bonadona | D. Muller | O. Ingster | M. Collonge-Rame | I. Mortemousque | A. Baurand | G. Bertolone | H. Dreyfus | J. Chiésa | P. Gesta | M. Bronner | J. Sokolowska | N. Boutry‐Kryza | S. Giraud | N. Mebirouk | E. Barouk-Simonet | V. Bubien | M. Longy | L. Gladieff | M. Guillaud-Bataille | S. Caputo | C. Colas | Mathilde Warcoin | A. Remenieras | F. Bonnet | V. Bourdon | D. Molina-Gomes | A. Lortholary | O. Cohen-Haguenauer | V. Feillel | T. Noguchi | M. Frénay | A. Dumont | I. Tennevet | Pierre-Olivier Harmand | F. Eisinger | P. Vennin | M. Lebrun | S. Lejeune | B. Bressac‐de‐Paillerets | S. Manouvrier-Hanu | A. Laugé | C. Rebischung | B. Gilbert | H. Zattara-Cannoni | S. Lizard | C. Adenis | L. Laborde | Séverine Eon-Marchais | M. Dondon | Juana Beauvallet | J. Moretta | L. Laborde | P. Vilquin | Maïté Laurent | V. Goussot | A. Damette | S. Fert‐Ferrer | Yue Jiao | Caroline Jacquot | Nadia Alain Sophie Mélanie Brigitte Olivier Marine Yves- Boutry-Kryza Calender Giraud Léone Bressac- | Corneliu Popovici | Magalie Peysselon | F. Coron | C. Sawka | Caroline Kientz | Catherine Lilian Pauline Dominique Marion Bruno Olivier Emma Noguès Laborde Pontois Stoppa-Lyonnet G | Pauline Pontois | T. Nguyen | Annick Rossi | Annick Rossi | D. Molina‐Gomes | Marie-Gabrielle Dondon | Brigitte Gilbert | Dominique Stoppa-Lyonnet | Capucine Delnatte | Johanna Sokolowska