Evaluation of High-Speed Track Quality Using Dynamic Simulation of Vehicle-Track Interaction

Track quality is a determinant factor for evaluating the overall performance of vehicle track interaction with respect to safety, ride quality and maintenance. Important parameters specifying the general quality of the track include track geometry (undamped) and track stiffness (damped), which can be evaluated by measurements taken along with track sections. A new co-simulation model based on Finite Element Method (FEM) and Multi Body Simulation (MBS) is built for the detailed description of track quality and its contribution to vehicle track interaction without simplifying the track structure as interconnected single elements. The simulation models and tools have been validated with the help of measured track geometry, track stiffness and dynamic wheel rail forces along the track sections of high speed lines. A comparative study between high speed lines using conventional ballasted track and ballastless track showed a significantly better quality in ballastless track sections. The dynamic forces which were determined by simulations and verified by measurements along the ballastless track section were comparatively less than the specified limits by German regulations for ballastless track design. Lower levels of dynamic forces can be utilized for optimization of track design and installation procedures with respect to lower initial costs.