Competências do pedagogo: uma perspectiva docente
This paper focuses on the identification of competencies and indicators required for the quality training of teacher so that he/she can meet the needs that demand in the educational environment and society as a whole. From the studies of the faculty of the College Education/PUCRS, and a visiting professor, the research methodology used was basically focus groups consisting of teachers. Considering that the Brazilian State regulates, supervises and evaluates the degree courses, we started studying the National Curriculum Guide for courses in pedagogy and the PPP – Political Pedagogical Project Course Pedagogy of PUCRS. As a result, five competencies were identified: knowledge of the area of operation; didactic and pedagogical action; investigative action, management of educational processes, and citizenship. Noteworthy is the methodology used which links the national and local educational bases with the teachers’ perception about the official legislation, through a process of shared construction.