Air Pollution Control Techniques For The Cement Manufacturing Industry: A Case Study For Zimbabwe

Technological advancement has resulted in cement making companies being able to produce higher volumes compared to the past. However the higher production levels have also been largely labelled as the leading cause of pollution. The main sources of air pollution in the industry include excavation activities, dumps, tips, conveyer belts, crushing mills and kiln emissions.  Harnessing appropriate technology for use in the cement industry could go a long way towards minimising on-site wastes and pollution. This review examines various options in practice for reducing pollution at cement manufacturing companies, which help ensure legislative compliance. By adoption of appropriate technology and computer modelling, industry will not only reduce production waste but also comply with legislation to do with environmental protection. The paper examines certain methods of pollution control used for air and looks at how computer modelling can be adopted for the classification, quantification and control of particulate matter; and how efficient energy use can contribute to better air quality. An analysis of gas stack emissions was done for a cement manufacturing company in Zimbabwe where compliance was investigated. Emissions samples were randomly selected at various points within the company and concentration of various emission constituents were analysed.