The objective of this work is to determine the orders of magnitude of the band width available from a cavity antenna. Fcr simplicity of calculation a piece of shorted square wave guide of side a, opening into a half‐space, is considered, and the resonance frequency and band width (1/Q) are calculated from transmission‐line theory. The analysis depends on an equivalent aperture admittance which is defined for the lowest‐order wave guide mode.This type of antenna has a minimum Q which is equal to 0.424(a/λ)−3 when (a/λ)<0.35. The cavity depth required for the minimum Q is of the order of 0.4a. The required dielectric constant increases rapidly as a/λ decreases. The effect of dielectric loss is considered. Some experimental results which agree well with theory are presented.
L. J. Chu.
Physical Limitations of Omni‐Directional Antennas
S. Schelkunoff,et al.
Advanced antenna theory
A. Van Hippel,et al.
Tables of Dielectric Materials.
Carol Gray Montgomery,et al.
Technique of microwave measurements
Leonard Lewin,et al.
Advanced theory of waveguides
S. Schelkunoff.
Representation of Impedance Functions in Terms of Resonant Frequencies
Proceedings of the IRE.
Nathan Marcuvitz.
Waveguide Handbook