Codes based on a trellis cut set transformation .II. Codes for noncoherent detection

For pt. I see ibid., vol.46, p.610-20 (1998). We continue the study of cut set trellis section T/sub CB/ codes begun in Part I and show that such codes are well suited for use with multiple symbol noncoherent detection and conventional two symbol differential detection. The information bit assignment for a cut set trellis section can be modified to make the resulting code noncatastrophic for noncoherent detection. By this procedure, many existing two-dimensional (2-D) and multidimensional MPSK and QAM trellis codes designed for coherent detection can be easily converted into codes for both coherent and noncoherent detection. Compared to M-DPSK trellis codes, it is shown that 2-D MPSK cut set trellis section codes have improved performance for multiple symbol noncoherent detection and comparable performance for conventional two symbol differential detection. Thus, cut set trellis section codes are a class of 'universal' channel codes since a single encoder performs well for coherent detection, multiple symbol noncoherent detection, and conventional two symbol differential detection.

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