process. However, the existence ofTGF-Punresponsive MvlLu cell mutants that lack type I receptors yet have normal levels of type II receptors (5) suggests that type I receptors may be needed to mediate these activities of TGF-P through the type II receptor. Our findings also indicate that the signaling through the type I receptor does not require a functional type II receptor to mediate autonomously its distinct set of TGF-P-induced activities. This is consistent with the fact that 293 cells, which lack detectable levels of type II receptors but have type I receptors (Fig. 1A), are not responsive to the antiproliferative activity of TGFyet display a TGF-P-induced synthesis of fibronectin (20). These data further support our conclusion that the type II receptor is required for and mediates the antiproliferative effect of TGF-1, whereas the induction of fibronectin synthesis is mediated by the type I receptor. Moreover, the wide variability and lack of correlation between the cell surface levels of the type I and type II receptors suggest that besides possible heterodimers, there may be type I and type II receptors that do not physically interact with each other and that perhaps could function as homodimers. Finally, the selective functional abolition of the type II receptors results in alterations in the complex response to TGF-P similar to the functional inactivation of pRB by viral transforming proteins such as the SV40 large T antigen, that is, a specific abrogation of the antiproliferative effect of TGF(1 1, 21) without affecting the induction of expression of several genes by TGF-P (11). This very similar phenotype thus indicates that the role of pRB in the response to TGF-P is specific for and restricted to the signaling pathway associated with the type II receptor. 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We thank H. Lin and R. Weinberg for providing the type 11 TGF-P receptor cDNA and E. Filvaroff, Z. Werb, and K. Yamamoto for helpful discussions. Supported by grants from the American Cancer Society and the National Institutes of Health (to R.D.) and by a fellowship from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (to R.E.).