This paper presents a method for recognizing human-hand gestures using a model-based approach. A nite state machine is used to model four qualitatively distinct phases of a generic gesture. Fingertips are tracked in multiple frames to compute motion trajectories. The trajectories are then used for nding the start and stop position of the gesture. Gestures are represented as a list of vectors and are then matched to stored gesture vector models using table lookup based on vector displacements. Results are presented showing recognition of seven gestures using images sampled at 4Hz on a SPARC-1 without any special hardware. The seven gestures are representatives for
Mubarak Shah,et al.
Establishing motion correspondence
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Real-Time Detection of Pointing Actions for a Glove-Free Interface
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Robust structure from motion using motion parallax
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Alex Pentland,et al.
Space-time gestures
Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
Michel Beaudouin-Lafon,et al.
Charade: remote control of objects using free-hand gestures