[Breast cancer and hMG treatment: is there a relationship?].
The promoter effect of oestradiol in breast cancer, the higher risk of breast cancer in infertile nulliparous women and the increased use of treatments to include ovulation would suggest that the risk of cancer after this type of treatment might be affected. We thus evaluated the files of patients under 45 years of age treated for breast cancer at the Bergonié Foundation. Six such cases were found. Due to the small number of cases observed to date, no statistical analysis could be performed. Nevertheless, several cases may have gone unrecognized or unpublished. Two hypothesis might be involved: the facilitating effect of stimulation on infraclinical or undiagnosed cancers, initiation of new cancers. We thus propose: a register to follow treated women in order to monitor the appearance of new cases of cancer, improved surveillance in patients with other associated risk factors.