Radiation Pollution of the Environment.

“There is an enormous divergence of opinion about pollution of the environment and hazards to health associated with nuclear energy….The questions can be answered only after a very searching study by experts in various fields who do not have a vested interest, and this includes governments. Such a study must have an international character, since all pollution problems are international; contamination of the air or water does not stop at national frontiers.”This summary of the radiation controversy pervading the development of the peaceful uses of atomic energy is based on a report presented by Professors Rotblat and Lindop to the 20th Pug-wash Conference on Science and World Affairs in September 1970. Joseph Rotblat, professor of physics, University of London, is head of the physics department of the Medical College of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. He is currently secretary-general of Pugwash and president of the British Institute of Radiology. Patricia Lindop, professor of radiation biology, Unive...