Transport and Combustion of Firebrands. Final Report of Grants FG-SP-114 and FG-SP-146 Vol. II

A theoretical and experimental study has been carried out on the combustion properties and flight paths of firebrands when they are carried upwards by convective currents and then forwards by the winds. The study has shown that the flight paths of firebrands can be fall decreases continuously as the firebrand burns. Several types of wind tunnels have been developed especially designed to study combustion of firebrands at their final velocity of fall. The study has also show that combustion of firebrands at constant wind speed. The influence of the initial size and initial shape of the firebrands, kind of wood and initial moisture content has been studied, as well as the influence of several types convection columns configurations. Results of these studies enable the calculation of the maximum range of possible fire spread by firebrands of given initial characteristics, once the convective currents above the fire are known as vell as the horizontal wind conditions.