Voltage and frequency control of a micro-grid using a fuzzy logic controller based STATCOM equiped with battery energy storage system

It has become now a big challenging task to generate electricity in remote locations without the help of any external energy sources. One of the most effective solution to encounter this problem is the use of self excited induction generator producing electricity even in the absence of external energy source. Though self excited induction generator can act as a good isolated source of electricity, one of its greatest disadvantage is its fluctuating nature of voltage and frequency under varying load condition. Here in this paper we have considered a self excited induction generator along with a doubly fed induction generator with the former connected to the latter by a transmission line to form the proposed micro-grid system. The problems associated with the system are the varying nature of voltage and frequency which can be observed under different loading conditions such as linear load, nonlinear load, and dynamic load. The system also comprises of also a STATCOM with battery energy storage system which acts in order to balance the deviation resulted in the reactive and active power thereby maintaining the voltage and frequency. The controller used in this work is a fuzzy logic controller which carries out the controlling action through the STATCOM. The simulation for the above model is done in MATLAB / SIMULINK.