Heterogeneous Network Embedding via Deep Architectures

Data embedding is used in many machine learning applications to create low-dimensional feature representations, which preserves the structure of data points in their original space. In this paper, we examine the scenario of a heterogeneous network with nodes and content of various types. Such networks are notoriously difficult to mine because of the bewildering combination of heterogeneous contents and structures. The creation of a multidimensional embedding of such data opens the door to the use of a wide variety of off-the-shelf mining techniques for multidimensional data. Despite the importance of this problem, limited efforts have been made on embedding a network of scalable, dynamic and heterogeneous data. In such cases, both the content and linkage structure provide important cues for creating a unified feature representation of the underlying network. In this paper, we design a deep embedding algorithm for networked data. A highly nonlinear multi-layered embedding function is used to capture the complex interactions between the heterogeneous data in a network. Our goal is to create a multi-resolution deep embedding function, that reflects both the local and global network structures, and makes the resulting embedding useful for a variety of data mining tasks. In particular, we demonstrate that the rich content and linkage information in a heterogeneous network can be captured by such an approach, so that similarities among cross-modal data can be measured directly in a common embedding space. Once this goal has been achieved, a wide variety of data mining problems can be solved by applying off-the-shelf algorithms designed for handling vector representations. Our experiments on real-world network datasets show the effectiveness and scalability of the proposed algorithm as compared to the state-of-the-art embedding methods.

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