Benchmark Problem for Radar Resource Allocation and Tracking Maneuvering Targets in the Presence of ECM
Abstract : This report presents a benchmark problem for tracking maneuvering targets. The benchmark problem involves beam pointing control of a phased-array (i.e., agile beam) radar against highly maneuvering targets in the presence of False Alarms (FAs) and Electronic Counter Measurements (ECM). The testbed simulation described in this report includes the effects of target amplitude fluctuations, beamshape, missed detections, FAs, finite sensor resolution, target maneuvers, and track loss. Multiple waveforms are included in the benchmark so that the radar energy can be coordinated with the tracking algorithm. The ECM includes a Standoff Jammer (SOJ) broadcasting wideband noise and targets attempting Range Gate Pull Off (RGPO). The limits on the position and maneuverability of the targets are given along with descriptions of six target trajectories. The 'best' tracking algorithm is the one that minimizes a weighted average of the radar energy and radar time, while satisfying a constraint of 4 percent on the maximum number of lost tracks. The report presents the radar model, the ECM techniques, the target scenarios, and performance criteria for the benchmark. A MATLAB computer program, which will simulate the adaptive tracking of maneuvering targets as a benchmark problem, is included on a computer diskette so that other researchers can implement and evaluate their algorithm with minimal effort.