Independent Research (IR) and Independent Exploratory Development (IED)

Abstract : This report documents 6.1 and 6.2 research efforts conducted at the Navy Personnel Research and Development Center under the Independent Laboratory Research/Independent Exploratory Development (IR/IED) program. The FY93 IR program included: Workload, Performance Feedback, and Stress in a Simulated Work Environment, Responses on Computer Surveys-Impact of Social Situation and Information Verification, Long Term Retention of Factual Information and Mental Skills, Individual Differences in Information Acquisition and Processing Style, and Brain Activity and Cognition: Advanced Signal Analysis Using the Wavelet Transform. The FY93 IED program included: Optimal Enlisted Training-Readiness Model, Comparison of Back Propagation Artificial Neural Network, Polynomial Regression, and Logistic Regression Models for Computer-Simulated Personnel Selection Data, Comparing Minority and Majority Exclusion Rate differences Over a Cut Score Domain, An Examination of Cognitive and Motivational Effects of Employee Interventions, and Cultural Diversity in the Workplace. Independent research/independent exploratory development, IR/IED