Easinet: Procedural Package for Development and Analysis of Intersection Control Strategies

The purpose of the research was to investigate and develop a comprehensive tool to assist traffic engineers in the development and analysis of intersection control strategies. The interactive, microcomputer-based package developed as a result is called EASINET. EASINET consists of a number of tools, including a simulation program, an optimization-capacity analysis program, a knowledge-based system, and a number of support and utility programs. The simulation program is used to model the existing or projected traffic conditions and traffic control strategies. The knowledge-based system module is used to diagnose the problem and recommend solutions. The optimization model is used to perform the necessary computations, evaluate recommended solutions, and provide recommendations. EASINET guides a traffic engineer in designing traffic control strategies for fixed-time, noninterconnected intersections. The knowledge embedded in EASINET and its components is gathered from nationally accepted and respected human experts, publications, and programs. EASINET thereby gives the user access to accepted knowledge of confirmed practices in traffic signal design and operation. EASINET uses the results of the simulation component and capabilities of its components to identify locations with substandard performance, determine possible origins of the problem, generate and evaluate possible solutions to the problem, and make recommendations to the user for implementation. Using EASINET can enable this analysis procedure to be implemented more efficiently and effectively in a fraction of the time that would be required for an engineer to perform the analysis conventionally.