Advances in cryptology, EUROCRYPT '93 : Workshop on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques, Lofthus, Norway, May 23-27, 1993 : proceedings

Authentication.- On the Relation Between A-Codes and Codes Correcting Independent Errors.- Optimal Authentication Systems.- Public Key.- Factoring Integers Using SIMD Sieves.- A New Elliptic Curve Based Analogue of RSA.- Weaknesses of a public-key cryptosystem based on factorizations of finite groups.- Block Ciphers.- Differentially uniform mappings for cryptography.- On Almost Perfect Nonlinear Permutations.- Two New Classes of Bent Functions.- Boolean functions satisfying a higher order strict avalanche criterion.- Secret Sharing.- Size of Shares and Probability of Cheating in Threshold Schemes.- Nonperfect Secret Sharing Schemes and Matroids.- Stream ciphers.- From the memoirs of a Norwegian cryptologist.- On the Linear Complexity of Products of Shift-Register Sequences.- Resynchronization Weaknesses in Synchronous Stream Ciphers.- Blind Synchronization of m-Sequences with Even Span.- On Constructions and Nonlinearity of Correlation Immune Functions.- Digital signatures.- Practical and Provably Secure Release of a Secret and Exchange of Signatures.- Subliminal Communication is Easy Using the DSA.- Can O.S.S. be Repaired? - Proposal for a New Practical Signature Scheme -.- Protocols I.- On a Limitation of BAN Logic.- Efficient Anonymous Channel and All/Nothing Election Scheme.- Untransferable Rights in a Client-Independent Server Environment.- Interactive Hashing Simplifies Zero-Knowledge Protocol Design.- Hash Functions.- One-Way Accumulators: A Decentralized Alternative to Digital Signatures.- The breaking of the AR Hash Function.- Collisions for the compression function of MD5.- How to Find and Avoid Collisions for the Knapsack Hash Function.- Payment Systems.- Single Term Off-Line Coins.- Improved Privacy in Wallets with Observers.- Distance-Bounding Protocols.- Cryptanalysis.- On the Distribution of Characteristics in Bijective Mappings.- On the Security of the IDEA Block Cipher.- Linear Cryptanalysis Method for DES Cipher.- New Types of Cryptanalytic Attacks Using Related Keys.- Protocols II.- Secret-Key Reconciliation by Public Discussion.- Global, Unpredictable Bit Generation Without Broadcast.- Rump Session.- On Schnorr's Preprocessing for Digital Signature Schemes.- Cryptanalysis of the Chang-Wu-Chen key distribution system.- An Alternate Explanation of two BAN-logic "failures".- The Consequences of Trust in Shared Secret Schemes.- Markov Ciphers and Alternating Groups.- On Key Distribution and Authentication in Mobile Radio Networks.