ANSI/IEEE IEC 規格에 따른 變壓器의 短絡强度試驗의 比較
Generally Short Circuit Test of transformers are tested according to IEEE std C57.12.00-2000, IEC 60076-5(2000-07), ES148(1998.6.26) or KS C4309(2003). But ES148 (1998.6.26) is same as IEEE std C57. 12.00-2000 and KS C4309(2003) is revising coincidence with IEC 60076-5 (2000 ~07). On this study condition of the transformers before short circuit test, calculation method for test current peak value, tolerance on the asymmetrical peak and r.m.s value, short circuit testing procedure, number of short circuit test, duration short circuit test, and detection of faults and evaluation of short circuit test result will be compared with ANSI and IEC.